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7 Days to Die is a sandbox survival RPG where players must use their wits and hands to stay alive in the midst of a large, post-apocalyptic zombie-filled world. The game features an in-depth crafting system that lets players craft a large variety of tools and weapons, and build their own fortresses to help them survive. Looking for Zombie games to download for free? Here are the top free Zombie games for PC for 2020, including Zombie Derby: Pixel Survival, Border of Insanity, KILLALLZOMBIES, and more. Download only unlimited full version fun games online and play offline on your Windows 7/10/8 desktop or laptop computer. Fast and secure game downloads.
Zombies have been very much en vogue since the late 2000s. There’s something about the threat of an undead apocalypse that just grabs the imagination. It’s not just the hordes that interest people, but the act of survival. If the zombies came, people simple want to know if they would be able to survive.
Considering that an outbreak of undeath isn’t likely to happen, the next best way to test one’s skill is with games. There have been several games dedicated to zombies, from the realistic simulators to the utterly fantastical. Zombies have become a vital part of the gaming world.
- Survive Zombie Outbreak Games
- Zombie FPS games
- Other Zombie Games
- Zombie Tabletop RPG
Survive Zombie Outbreak Games
Zombie survival games have become a genre of their own over the last few years. Taking place after the world has already been over-run by zombies, these games task the players with survival. Some of these games pit players primarily against other humans, but there’s always the threat of the undead lurking just around the corner.
When it comes to zombie survival, one of the most important names is still DayZ. Thought it started as just a mod for ARMA, it is still probably responsible for the wave of zombie games that have come out since its release. In this game, the zombies are just the background – the real danger is other humans.
In DayZ, players are forced to fend off the undead while competing with other humans for resources. There’s no real way to communicate your intents, and even those limited methods are prone to being abused. People quickly began to horde items and become distrustful of one another. All of the worst parts of zombie apocalypse stories became true in this game, in a wonderful way.
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DayZ isn’t really finished, but it did spawn many imitators. It’s a fun mod, and will probably be a decent stand-alone game. If nothing else, it will be important for starting a new trend.
Project Zomboid
Project Zomboid is about as realistic as you’re going to get when it comes to the zombie apocalypse. There’s no winning in this game, there’s just survival.
You won’t get any congratulations and you won’t save the world. In fact, you can’t even really win the game – you just survive until you inevitably die. As far as mechanics go, it’s probably as real as a game can get.

That’s not to say that the game isn’t fun, though. You can survive in the standard mode or play around in a sandbox. You can fight off the zombies to a limited degree and make your brief stay among the undead at least a bit more pleasant. You won’t get to live forever, but really – who does? Project Zomboid is one of the best games at capturing the sense of despair and futility in surviving the apocalypse. It might not be a power fantasy, but it’s a great challenge.
State of Decay
State of Decay is one of the more fully-featured zombie survival simulators out there. Putting players in the role of accidental survivors of a zombie apocalypse, players do truly have to go through the motions of survival.
It’s not just a matter of hacking through hordes – it’s a matter of finding the right tools, working with the right people, and hoping that the preparations made are enough to outlast an undead army.
The game places a lot of emphasis on building a crew of survivors. This isn’t a world where you can go one on one against a dozen zombies and hope to survive. Instead, it is a world in which people have to work together. If one of your survivors dies, that’s it – he or she is no longer available for play. This makes every person a precious resource. Combined with the difficulty of navigating zombies, this makes for a tenser experience than most of what players will find out there.

Dead State RPG
Dead State is a fairly unique among the zombie survival set due to its pacing. While quite a bit of the game takes place in real time, all of the combat is turn-based. This makes combat much more studied and focused, stripping it of some of the panic that is inherent in the genre. At the same time, it makes the terror much more real. You know when you’re doomed long before it happens.
Dead State is a game about survival, and most of the danger comes from the fact that society has fallen apart. You’ll assign characters to help out at your base and you’ll scavenge, but the end is always around the corner. Zombies are an ever-present threat, but so too are humans. If you can’t guard your stuff, it’s going to go away. Once that happens, you might as well join the horde – survival will be limited to hours, not days.
Zombie FPS games
Sometimes, it’s just not enough to survive against the zombie hordes. Sometimes, you want to take the fight to them. The FPS has taken zombie survival in an entirely new direction, one where the player has a little more agency. These games are often a test of teamwork and skill, but they allow players a chance to fight back against zombies in a unique and satisfying way.
Call of Duty: Black Ops III
Zombies have become a strangely major part of Call of Duty, especially considering the early games’ attempts at realism. While zombies have never really infected the main story of the game, they are a vital side-plot. Call of Duty’s zombies have moved from being a weird distraction to being a surprisingly deep story of their own.
This version is set in the 1940s and even has its own progression system. While there are a few twists and turns in the narrative, the most important part is still being able to mow down zombies with impunity. The story’s there for those who care, but the real fun of Call of Duty’s Zombie modes has always been exposing zombies to some truly lethal firepower.
This is a pure power fantasy, one that takes a lot of the bite out of the zombies themselves. With that said, it’s a ton of fun and worth playing for those who need a bit of zombie catharsis.
Dying Light

Dying Light is an incredibly immersive first-person zombie game, putting players in the role of a government observer taking a look at a city in the midst of a zombie epidemic. In short order, the player becomes exposed to the truth behind the zombie outbreak and must fight to survive.
Doing so involves a great deal of gunplay, some of the smoothest first-person platforming ever developed, and some great vehicle play. Dying Light is one of the first true sandbox zombie games, and it is going to take quite a bit for any other game to meet the bar set by this experience.
Dying Light has received a significant amount of support after its initial release. It’s added vehicles and a great deal of new content. While the game seems mostly done for now, it’s still full of things to explore for a new player. It’s one of the best examples of how a zombie apocalypse can open up an entirely new world for survivors.
Left 4 Dead 2
The sequel to the wildly popular Left 4 Dead, this game is the epitome of the zombie squad shooter zombie. The premise is simple – you have to get a group of four players from Point A to Point B.
All that stands in your way is a giant horde of zombies, some of whom have special powers. Left 4 Dead is a game about team work above all else, with a huge emphasis on helping one another survive.
Left 4 Dead also allows for a competitive mode in which some of the players can play as the special empowered zombies. While these zombies go down a fair bit easier than the human protagonists, there’s more of a chance to cause trouble for the main team. All it takes is one death to bring things to a close, after all, and zombies tend to have the advantage on any map.
Other Zombie Survival RPG Games
There are also many games outside of the survival genre that have captured the spirit of the zombie apocalypse. While these games are a little different than those listed above, they are still fantastic games for zombie enthusiasts. From relatively simple story games to full mods for AAA games, these are the worlds in which a zombie lover can really dive deep into the apocalypse.
Atom Zombie Smasher
Atom Zombie Smasher doesn’t really take the Zombie apocalypse very seriously. It’s set in an alternate universe, it’s an RTS, and at the end of the day, it’s about blowing stuff up. That’s an incredibly huge left turn away from most of the trappings of the genre. It’s a refreshing change of pace.
This is also a game about rescuing people. Given the generally selfish nature of most of the games, that’s a really nice change of pace. Sure, you have nuclear weapons at your disposal – but you’re using them to save the world, so the moral component is pretty much thrown out the window.
It’s nice to have a zombie game that’s really just about have some fun with the conceits of the genre. While it’s probably never going to be taken seriously by most fans of the genre, it is definitely a game that is worth playing.
Zombie Night Terror
Not every zombie game puts you in command of the heroic humans. Some, in fact, let you control the zombies. While some of these games are combat-oriented, the vast majority of these games are more strategic in nature.
Zombie Night Terror is one of these games, putting players in charge of Lemmings-like puzzles with zombies in the protagonist role.
This game, simply put, is weird. It’s kitschy, silly, and gross all at one time. There’s something fun about controlling these incredibly dull zombies, especially if you’ve spent time mowing them down in other games. You’ll never quite become attached to them, but you will look at them with fondness. They’re great cannon-fodder, especially in some of the later puzzles.
This is probably not the survival simulator some players want, but it is a great deal of fun. It is a great set of brain teasers that can still give players their zombie fix. If you’re looking for a smart zombie game, this may be the best place to look.
Zombie Slayer MMO
Not every zombie game has to look great to be fun. Some of the better descriptions of the zombie experience are entirely in text, like the massively multiplayer Zombie Slayer.
A throwback to a much earlier type of gaming, this game gives players one of the most fully flesh-out zombie experiences that they will ever be able to find. While you don’t really get anything in the way of a visual experience, you do get quite a bit in the way of imaginative description.
This game isn’t for everyone, of course. Those who are used to the bells and whistles of traditional games might find this one lacking. Those who were fans of classic games, though, might find this one to be a ton of fun. If nothing else, this is a great example of exactly how diverse the zombie genre can be. You don’t have to be a cookie-cutter shooter to be successful in the world of zombie survival.
Fallout New Vegas Zombie Mod
Fans of the Fallout universe know that Fallout has its own pseudo-zombies in the Feral Ghouls. While these creatures are certainly dangerous, they’re not exactly classic zombies. This mod adds the classic zombies into the game play of Fallout New Vegas with all the attendant tropes – including infection.
Zombies will go out into the world and infect NPCs, leading to a huge infected population in a rather limited amount of time. You’ll only have the usual tools of Fallout to deal with the Undead, which can actually make for a fairly amusing time. As you fight, you’ll be struck by the fact that time really is counting down for this world. You can’t be everywhere at once, so the plague will spread despite your efforts.
This is a great mod for an already great game. Don’t try to play through the story with this mod enabled, though – things won’t go particularly well for you when you’re trying to deal with a zombie horde. Play it on its own, and enjoy how the world breaks down.
The Walking Dead
TellTale’s The Walking Dead is a much different game than most on this list. It is primarily about the story, giving players relatively limited control.
Instead of focusing on combat, it focuses on the choices that players make. Taking place in the famous Walking Dead universe, players have to contend with a world that is falling down all around them.
This series is currently on its third iteration, and it doesn’t pull any punches. There’s horrifying gore, but the truly rough stuff is saved for how relationships fall apart. Whether you’re looking at marital relationships, the relationships between parents and children, or even the relationships between people and society, everyone ends up showing their true colors. This is a game that pulls no emotional punches and delights in putting players through the wringer.
If you’re looking for a game that will capture the dread of the dread of a zombie apocalypse, this is the game you want. It may not be quite as lively as some of the others, but it’s got the perfect atmosphere.
Zombie Tabletop RPG
Of course, some of the best zombie survival games take place in the world of the imagination. Tabletop games got the jump on the world of zombies fairly early on, and there are some fantastic games out there that feature the living dead. From the classics to some of the more recent releases, these games offer the most immersive zombie survival experiences ever printed.
All Flesh Must Be Eaten
This is the original zombie RPG. While many games had featured zombies as part of the setting before, this is the first game to push them to the forefront. All Flesh Must Be Eaten features comprehensive rules not just for creating player characters, but for creating zombies. This game is all about the death and destruction that might play out if the undead were to rise.
Running fairly strongly since 1999, this is the zombie game with the most history behind it. Featuring both its own rule set and a d20 conversion, it’s fairly easy to pick up and play.
Last Night of Earth
A board game for zombie enthusiasts. Players are divided into two teams – the humans and the zombies. The human characters, called Heroes, are given a scenario objective to complete. The zombies have their own objective, but can win simply by either outlasting the Heroes or by killing them all. While there’s a lot of game play elements that make the game unique, the fact that humans are at a disadvantage really captures the feel of the apocalypse.
There are currently four expansions to this modular zombie survival RPG game. Players don’t need much skill to play, but they do need a cool head and a sense of humor.
Unhallowed Metropolis
An incredibly stylish and stylized game of horror, Unhallowed Metropolis moves the zombie apocalypse to a Victorian setting. Stripped of modern conveniences and weaponry, this makes for a very different kind of survival experience. Particularly deep when it comes to role playing, this is a game for people who have a bit of tabletop experience under their belts.
Unhallowed Metropolis goes a long way to show that a zombie apocalypse doesn’t need to necessarily take place in the present day. There’s a lot of ground yet to cover in the genre, and hopefully more games like this will find their way into the wild. It’s nice to play something that’s not a carbon copy of a Romero film.
Outbreak: Undead
Billing itself as a zombie survival simulator, this game takes players into a present-day outbreak. It has a fairly adaptable skill system and is suitable for players of all skill levels, but the real selling point is the ability to make one’s self in the game. This game strives for realism, so it’s very easy to adapt your real world self into an in-game persona.
The game is far from perfect, but it’s nice to see something a little more realistic than what’s generally out there. There’s no magic or super-tech here – just a player’s attempts to survive the madness of an outbreak.
Your Favorite Zombie Survival Game?
The games above continue to thrive even as the zombie craze dies down. There’s something about putting yourself into the shoes of a survivor that really speaks to players, so it’s likely that these games will be around for years to come.
Whether you want to test your mettle, brush up on your survival skills or just take a chainsaw to some undead, there are enough games in this genre to last you a lifetime.
Stop by the new LitRPG Forum and let us know about your favorite zombie survival-type RPG – or browse some of our other great gaming content, including LitRPG books and movies.
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Games have been the best when it comes to entertaining the people. PC has become the best of the gaming machines and people like to game on them. With time these PCs have grown in specifications and hence we got the best of the graphics, and performance on any game.
If you are someone who likes to play games and now you are looking for the best of the game where you can enjoy the thrill to play against the Zombies and win the match and get to the top. Then today we are going to enlist 12 best Zombie games and see which one is the best which you can play with your friends.
1. Call of Duty: Black Ops II – Zombies
Call of Duty series of games have been the best FPS game available in the market, and most of the children were a fan of the game when it was launched. This time in the Black Ops II – Zombies we get to play against the zombies where it is harder as compared to the normal game.
This has been the best zombie shooter variant of the Call of Duty till now. Here you have to be against the waves of zombies where you will be killing the strong waves as and when your waves get stronger and stronger. With time you will get points which you can use to build barricades, buy new weapons, unlock new areas, and many other things in the game.
2. DayZ
ARMA is a flashpoint series of games which deals with different open-world situations, and this is an open-world combat game. There are different mods for the games where you can stimulate military, and in the same way, there is a zombie mod named as DayZ. In this game, you will get a number of zombies in the open world and you will be searching for food, water, weapons and other things to get through the ruins. The game is really harsh and is not for someone who is faint-hearted.
3. Dying Light
If you have played the Dead Island or the Dead Island Riptide, then you will be liking this game very much as it is from the same set of developers. This game is much agiler than the earlier ones, and here you are capable of many and many zombies at once before the person in the game is tried to kill more. There are two modes inside the game where you can either be fighting in the daytime or in the night time, this makes the game more challenging.
4. Left 4 Dead 2
The game which was released back in 2009 has been the best zombie shooter till now. There are 4 different players that are against a sci-fi monster. The game is a kind of cinematic which makes you feel like in actual conditions you are playing.
There are a series of connected maps which will make it interesting for you to fight against the zombies. Here at the start, you are inside a safe room, then you will need to find another safe room, and till then you will have to fight against the hordes of zombies which will increase with waves.
You will have to be hunting for bullets, and ammo so that you can keep on fighting with the zombies. Although the game was a success on both the PC as well the console, there hasn’t been any kind of sequel even after 9 years.
5. Resident Evil HD

If you are someone who loves zombies or any other kind of ghostly creature, then you must have heard of Resident Evil series of games, and a series of movies. It has been the series of games since 1996 which is the most popular one till now.
This version of the game was released back in 2015 and is still being rocked on many different gaming PCs. In this game, you take control of two members where you are investigating a mansion and you are being forced by the outside forces i.e. zombies to stay inside. Here you will surely enjoy a host full of enemies as Zombies.
Zombie Games Pc Free
6. S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Call of Pripyat
The interestingly named game was released back in 2010 didn’t have zombies on the first release, but it has been there in all the three versions of the game. Here we have stalkers and bizarre creatures all around the zone of Chernobyl and we will have to escape them.
Zombie Games Pc Games
They have the ability to destroy a man’s higher functions and reduce him to drooling lump who can just reload and aim a weapon. This is an open-world game and you will have to stay away from them and get through the whole situation. Although you have to escape from zombies mind that they will also fire whenever they will detect you in their range, so this is kind of tough with respect to others.
7. The Typing of the Dead: Overkill
If you are playing games since your childhood then you must have known the house of dead series, and have must know about their graphics. The gameplay of this one is unique and it is a light – gun rail shooter gameplay with a ton of crazy short campaigns.
Zombie Games Pc Free Download
This is a completely rebuilt game from the original one and this has new characters, a new set of zombies, new Easter eggs and many other things which are new. The game doesn’t have much to talk about, but you must surely play the game to experience the real thrill we are trying to make you understand.
8. Doom II
In this game, you are not just against the zombies, but actually, you are against a demon who is possessing them. The game revolves with just 2 different zombies from whom you will be escaping. This game will make you fall into situations where you will have to get through without letting anyone know.
The game is quite interesting and at the end, you will have to use your brain to fight the demon without any weapon. This is kind of a mind game and a strategic one where you are required to build a good plan before being inside the situation. The game is quite old but still, you must play this at least once.
9. Killing Floor
The game which was launched back in 2009 is the best when it comes to the zombie games. You will be as a team of police and soldiers where you will attempt to suppress a zombie outbreak. The outbreak is around the outskirts and court sides of England.
The game says that it is all due to a science experiment which was gone wrong. Here you will get successive waves of enemies which makes it difficult and difficult as the times go ahead. The game is still supported by the developers which makes it a great game to play in spite of it being years old.
10. Space Pirates and Zombies
This is kind of a unique zombie shooter game that was named in an old-fashioned way. In this game, you will have to explore the galaxies where you can find the infestations of zombie. Now you will have to kill in those zombies and you can even encounter some of the human navies, miners, and some space pirates too who will increase the size of your fleet and make it easy for you to fight against the zombies. The game is quite deep and you can easily play the game for over a year.
Zombie Games Pc 2019
11. Dead Space 2
Dead space series is kind of dead now as it was not able to sell the required amount of copies it was intended too. But the Dead Space 2 is still a great game that needs to be played at least once by the gaming enthusiasts. The plot in this series is quite creepy and horror which you must yourself explore while playing the game.
Zombie Games Pc Online
There are different creatures here with whom you will have to fight against and get yourself and your team protected. The game is quite good, but if you are playing it in 2018 or afterwards you will find the game a bit dated in terms of graphics.
12. Dead Rising 3
Dead Rising 3 was released back in 2014 and it will surely make you think twice about zombies. Until now you might have thought that they are kind of dumb, but in this game, it is not like that.
Zombie Games Pc 2016
This game had unlocked frame rate support which can make your gameplay so smooth that you can really climb up your chair in certain situations. The player in the game is named as Dick which might offend some, but if you want to play this one then you will for sure use that name only for you.
What do you think about all the above-listed games? Have you played any of them? If yes then let us know your review about the games, also make sure that you play at least 9 of these games to experience the real thriller.