Quickest Paying Online Casino
Even the fastest paying online casino can have a technical issue or glitch. However, if slow payments are consistent, your fear of the casino closing down is real.
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Ever wonder which online casinos pay the fastest? Surprisingly enough, getting paid in a relatively fast manner is one of the biggest complaints we get in our inbox, that is casinos don't ever pay fast enough. Players simply want to get paid as fast as possible and it doesn't sound like it is too much to ask for. In fact we asked all our editors and casino testers at this site on which casinos pay the fastest and there are not really many casinos that jump out. Either casinos pay in a standard set of time that can be something like 2 days to 4 days or anything over 5 days is considered very slow. Any slow payments that take over a week to process is where players start sending in casino complaints and are left wondering if they have been ripped off.
Top 5 Fastest Paying Online Casinos

Before we get into the reasons why most casinos take a long time to process a cashout, we want to salute the casinos that do pay very quickly. These top 5 fastest paying casinos are:
Simply put, fast pay equals trust and players want to trust that the casino has the money in the bank to pay out.

Reasons Why Casinos are Slow to Pay
Casinos have either really good reasons or really bad reasons on why it takes them a while to pay. I mean they take your money instantly but the payout process takes days usually. Is there any good reason for this? We have all the reasons why casinos are slow to pay and they are as follows:
- Casinos put your withdrawal in a hold hoping you will reverse cashout and gamble it back to the house
- Fraud and security checks
- Payment processing fees
Casinos delay withdrawals for a set period of time giving players the ability to reverse their withdrawals
Did you know that many casinos you can flush your cashout? What this means is you tell the casino that you don't want them to put a small hold on your withdrawal so after 24 or 48 hours, the casino will process your cashout. A few reasons why casinos do this is they secretly hope you reverse your cashout and wager more at the casino. The 2nd reason which is not obvious to most players are that if you keep winning, cashing out and depositing over and over again, you'll incur large payment processing fees for the casino and that cuts into their ability to offer you any decent bonuses. So sure, they will want you to reverse your cashout and hope you'll lose it, but they do this to stop players that go back and forth that would normally initiate payment processing fees. When players do a reverse cashout, you'll save the casino money which in turn is money they can give back to you in the form of comp points and other freebies.
Fastest Paying Online Casino Australia
Player Tip: Ask the casino to flush your cashout, not all of them will but it might help speed up your cashout!

Fastest Withdrawal Casino Online Us
Casinos delay withdrawals commonly to check for fraud and security
Casinos these days are bombarded with fraudulent players that come in all types. Overall the casino's security department often needs time to inspect a player account if they suspect anything suspicious. These are often associated with multiple accounts or possibly players that exhibit patterns of fraud via credit card chargebacks. Whatever the reason, some casinos use this time to verify that the players signing up are real and not being controlled by other people. Typically this process happens for new players that just joined a casino so expect the first withdrawal to be the slowest one but after that you can expect things to go faster.
Payment processing fees
Instant Withdrawal Casino Usa

As already mentioned, for players that user any ewallet or credit card, payment processing fees will happen and these are expenses the online casinos have to deal with. This is really why casino's don't let you just cashout so quickly. In the case of Bitcoin casinos where transferring Bitcoin is both fast and involves low fees, a casino like FastPay Casino can afford to offer this service to players. In other cases where you have local payment systems like Interac casinos in Canada or PayPal in the United Kingdom, you'll might be able to get paid fastest with these methods but it can vary from country to country.
Fastest Paying Online Casinos
Where to play casinos that payout fast?
Once again, these casinos we found to be either the fastest or fairly fast when it comes to testing how long it takes to process a withdrawal.