Pictionary Game Online
When you click the button above, we'll ask you to log in on Zylom to play this game. Please note that if this is the first time you're playing a multiplayer game, we'll also ask you to choose a name to display within the game.
- chat and play at the same time
- play whenever you like
- collect as many coins as possible
- enjoy hours of gaming fun
While one of the players draws a word, the other players need to guess the word within three minutes. Every player can draw either 1, 2 or 3 times.
1. The players need to guess the drawing of the draftsman correctly. When you think to know the word, you can type this into the chatroom of the game. You can guess as many times as you like.
2. The player who guesses the drawing first, will receive the most points.
3. When a player guessed the drawing correctly, the other players will still have 30 seconds to also guess the word correctly.
4. The draftsman can give hints by clicking the hint button. This will result in penalties however.
To play remote Pictionary, you’ll need a digital whiteboard that can be accessed by all participants simultaneously in a virtual meeting. Whether you choose Microsoft’s Whiteboard app (which integrates with Teams), the whiteboard feature on Zoom, or another digital whiteboard, you’ll want to make sure that all of your employees download. Pictionary is a classic family game were teams battle it out to win by drawing words. To start, put your students into teams. Teams of 2/3 students works best but you can increase this as needed. One student comes to the board and is given a word.
You need coins in order to play our multiplayer games. You'll receive coins as a welcome gift when you first start playing. After that you can earn coins by winning games, and by logging in every day for a daily gift. You can also buy more coins (through the Wallet), or become a VIP or SuperVIP member for more coins in the daily gift.
Choose the game you'd like to play, and click on a room. The amount of coins you have to pay to join a game depends on the room. The higher the stakes are, the higher the prize is for winning a game!
Pictionary is a fun game where some people draw while other people guess what the drawing could be. The game includes elements of improv, creative thinking, competition and more. You can play an online game that is similar to Pictionary: Divide your people into breakout rooms. Have each person in each room draw three clues. The Random Pictionary Word generator is helpful if you don't have a gameboard and cards around, but you'd still like to play the game with your friends. Our free online Pictionary word generator does exactly that by letting you and your friends play the game even if you don't have the game cards handy. This is a game built with machine learning. You draw, and a neural network tries to guess what you’re drawing. Of course, it doesn’t always work. But the more you play with it, the more it will learn. So far we have trained it on a few hundred concepts, and we hope to add more over time.
Pictionary Game Online Multiplayer

If you run a lifegroup or a Sunday school, you are probably always on the lookout for new activities or games to play with the group. These activities can be great for breaking the ice, but ideally they would be educational as well. Bible Pictionary is a great game to try out, because it's exciting, fast paced and creative.
How to play Bible Pictionary
Pictionary is a game where player draw an item or a phrase, and everybody else guesses. Split into teams, and set a timer. Take turns drawing and guessing, and the team with the most correct guesses after everybody has a turn wins.
Bible Pictionary is great for groups of 8-12.
Bible Pictionary List of Words
Although the original Pictionary board game comes with game cards that have hundreds of words on them for you to draw from, there isn't a Bible friendly version readily available on the market. The good news is that you can play this game without any third party tools. All you really need is pen, paper and a list of words (which we've provided below), and your creativity! You can even use your phone as the timer.
Playing other Bible Games Online
We've gathered all the best Bible games and put them online for convenience. If you head over to Brightful Life Group Games, you'll find a selection of Bible games to play during your life groups. The games are completely free, and include a lot of great learning materials from the Bible. The most popular games are Bible Trivia and Describe It!
Here is a list of Bible Pictionary phrases for you to draw:
TIP: Sometimes the answer will be close enough, but not exactly what is written in the phrase. The drawer can use their judgment to determine if the guesser had the right idea!
Ten Commandments
Tower of Babel
Golden Calf
Roman Empire
The Messiah
The Last Supper
Sermon on the Mount
Holy Grail
Noah's Ark
Solomon's Temple
The Burning Bush
Ten Plagues of Egypt
Adam and Eve
The birth of Jesus
The lost sheep
Jesus feeds the five thousand
The Good Samaritan
The parable of the lost coin
Jesus raising Lazarus

The Last Supper
Jesus washing the feet of the disciples
Jesus at Gethsemane
The Ten Commandments
Jesus is in the Garden of Gethsemane
The death of Judas Iscariot
Jesus' resurrection from the dead
Jesus gives the Great Commission
Jesus is born in a manger
Jesus' baptism
The Sermon on the Mount
The day of Pentecost
The calling of the first disciples
The blood of the lamb
King Herod asks to see Jesus
Jesus casts a demon out of Mary Magdalene

Jesus calls Simon and Andrew into the ministry
The storm at sea
Jesus walks on water
The Good Shepherd

The parable of the Sower
Jesus calming the storm
The parable of the Good Samaritan
The ten plagues of Egypt
The Israelites go forth from Egypt
Joshua crosses the Jordan River
Solomon’s wisdom
Hezekiah’s tunnel
Samuel anoints Saul
Jesus calms the storm
Judas betrays Jesus with a kiss
John baptizes Jesus in the Jordan River
Paul preaches in Lystra
Jesus speaks in parables
Peter denies Christ
The prodigal son returns home
Christ asks to be alone with Peter
The Twelve Apostles cast lots for Judas' belongings
God takes Moses to a high mountain
God has compassion on the people
Jesus calms the sea with his word
Moses lifts the serpent in the wilderness
Jesus takes bread, breaks it, and gives it to his disciples
Jesus promises eternal life
Zechariah's message from God comes true
Jesus curses the fig tree in his Father's name
Peter denies Christ three times
The parting of the Red Sea
Jesus heals the sick
The blind see
Jesus feeds a crowd of 5,000 people with 7 loaves of bread and a few fish.
Jesus walks on the water
The death of Jesus
The resurrection of Jesus
The Second Coming of Jesus
Noah's ark
David and Goliath
Jonah and the whale
Elijah being fed by an Angel
Jesus feeding the multitude
Pictionary Game Online For Kids
Healing of the paralytic
The Cross
The Ascension
The Red Sea Crossing
Pictionary Game online, free Zoom
Jesus turning water into wine
The betrayal of Christ
Joseph forgives his brothers
Moses dividing the Red Sea
The first Easter
The Crucifixion
Jesus' resurrection
Draw Games To Play
Jesus returns to Jerusalem
Daniel and the lion's den