Oregon Trail Online
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- First, and most importantly, is 'The Oregon Trail' — an MS-DOS version of the game that, thanks to modern technology, can just outright run through emulation in a web browser. You can play 'The.
- But between rattlesnakes, starvation, dead oxen, broken bones, dysentery, and a host of other calamities the odds are long. Almost as long as the Oregon Trail itself. Players work together to move along the trail, fording rivers and playing Supply Cards to overcome calamities.
For small DOS games like Oregon Trail Deluxe, you can play online immediately with your browser (Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Internet Explorer...). This feature is still experimental, the game may not work properly. Warning: game save should work, but you should try it early! Also, be careful to select the right game executable in the list below.
Emulator configuration
You have to choose the right game executable, then press PLAY.
To exit fullscreen mode, press escape. Playing experience can be poor due to your browser or your computer. Download Oregon Trail Deluxe and launch it with DOSBox to have the best playing experience!
Online reservations must be paid with a Visa or MasterCard. Over the phone, we also accept American Express and gift certificates, if the reservation arrival date is in 10 days or more. Changes and Cancellations. Changes can only be made over the phone by calling 800-452-5687 during business hours (8am –5pm Monday through Friday). Oregon Trail Resources Great Academic Games Contact Classroom Policies Recent Educreations Powered by Create your own unique website with customizable templates.
If the game is too fast or too slow, try hitting CTRL-F11 (slower) and CTRL-F12 (faster).
yeetus deleetus2021-01-21

I hate life cuz I didn't get far from the start and got dysentery and not to far from fort Kearny I died from it
galaxy roxy why r u use uwu so much? but i like his game it is very well made!
the game was nice but i did not like it a little bit because it too to much time to load and it was so tensing
I had lots of 'fun' with the tribe leaders daughter in my wagon.
Score of 11305. Second try. Not sure of my first score, I just noticed my bonus from occupation was a little lower and wanted to get a much higher score.
I love this game!! I play it more than every other game. My highest score thus far is 9079... try and beat me!!
P.S. James Madison is better than Alexander Hamilton
this game is sooo cool frist try i was the doctor
Banker Playthrough:
At the end, I had £1000, ~200 bullets, well over 300 pounds of food and all members of the group were healthy. It took approx. 4 months
Teacher Playthrough:
By the time I reached the end, I had no money, no bullets, barely any food, typhoid fever and I was the only person left in the group. Oh yeah, and it was January. It took me 6 months.
no username2020-02-08

wow this game is fffuuunnn I even was number 3 on the list of legends I rated this game a ten
i got a LOT of bullets and hunt we did good Resting 5-8days in Landmarks but damn this game is a bit Racist when i just started the Journey Obama already got a Snake bite then 5 more snake bites then he got sick and sadly died while the rest of the Group lived damn.......
Galaxy Roxy2019-10-25
UWu I love the game and helps a lot in studies :v!!! (ye im studing about The Oregon trail :VVV) 999999 billion stars to dis' game uwu uwuwuwuwuwuwuuuwuwuwuwuuwuwu
Sega Scream2019-10-04
Dude!! That was awesome! I time tripped so hard I thought my brain might actually explode. Thank you for that trip down memory lane...
Nailed it first try, nobody died, TOO MANY BULLETS
... also, we weren't in very poor quality health. so that's great
i'm not sure if i did easy mode but i did get a lot of crap. i swear everyone but me got something and survived.
I somehow nailed it as a carpenter second try with just Beth dying of typhus and waaaay too much of everything left. First try we all got infected and brutally died right at the end.
they called me crazy for leaving in august.. with no food or bullets and no money... turns out they were right 2 starved 1 drowned and one got a snake bite and me well.... i also got a snake bite thus ending me quick
I had a broken arm, the leader decided to ford the river, he knew I couldn't swim, I drowned them all, those bastards thought they could get me, they were wrong!
Alex K.2019-03-30
I finished the game w/ just myself and another party member. Seems like starting out as a banker is the easiest route. Took the raft downriver as my team member was 'suffering from exhaustion'. All in all, great game. Brought back memories oflaying it on the Apple IIe. Thanks AbandonWare!
I finished the game with 3 people, (Including me), and I reached the List Of Legends! I would love to see this game more simple, though I know no updates can be added now. I recommend playing. Have a nice day! Happy New Years, too!!
loved it!!!
Ok, that was actually kind of fun. I did it with the teacher and ended with a score of 9440. I did not die of dysentery. I'm not sure if i'm happy or sad about that.
yay i won first time!
thank you for having it in the browser.
i think it's better to have it in the browser for accessibility
Scored 9153!!
why it is not working i even put oregon.exe but it still won't work
well, everyone drowned in the first 4 rivers... ...fail
Does an admin read these comments? I'm pretty sure this game had sound, but, while playing the game, It's completely silent.
made it second try, as a doctor. All 4 lived, 5800 ish points
Da Pacem Domine2018-01-28
I finished, not before trying and actually succeeding to kill every one else on my wagon, but i got to the end of the game.
i died lol
Played as blacksmith, scored 5468, all people in good health when I arrived at the valley. I was pretty pro at this when I was 8 or so haha
i died2017-12-20
well everyone died.... um.... all i can say is dont play this game ok?
WILLIAN . I play first time and I have 1499 points. 4 people survived.
A Person2017-11-11
I was the only one alive. Still made it first try tho :).
Oregon Trail Online Play Free
I was the only person who can finish the game in 1 try? (1 person was died)
don't know how to start!
Eyy I got in 6th place with only Waluigi and I left!
Gonna miss Mario though.
And Wario.
Got number 5 on the legends and finished the game on my first try!!! :D
Why not work?
The end2017-03-03
I can't play it on iPad. Super bumbed
Everybody died!! And i keep getting bit by snakes! like, dude, just stay away from snakes...
doesn't work on chrome for me but works on IE when I switch to Oregon.exe in the game executable menu

how do you start the game? i just get to the part where it gives me info and help but i can't type anything into the console
Wow I can't believe I thought this game was challenging as a kid. Played it for the first time in years and made it on the list of legends first try with no one dying.
lol this is easy made it onto list of legends on my first try
guys, if you are having issues - change the executable to OREGON.EXE
you're welcome! :D
Satsuki Kiryuin2016-04-12
Oregon Trail Online
If your having trouble loading the game (specifically on chromebook), try going to the game executable part above the game and click on the version that says OREGON.EXE at the end. It loaded perfectly for me on the first try.
Fourth... Almost too easy. 1 person died, though.
Not working for me, just dos screen... it seems loading, but freezes at that moment and does not go forward.
4132 not bad...
How do I use this???
One of the hardest games ever pfft... I made it to the valley as a teacher with my entire party with 2 months to spare and scored 7400 points. I ranked #2 on the list of legends, and that was my second try!
First time playing Oregon Trail, makes it to #7 on the list of Legends.
Oregon Trail Online Weebly
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